3 Algebra and co-algebras
Recall that an algebra \(\mathcal{A}\) is given by a multiplication map \(m\colon \mathcal{A}\otimes \mathcal{A}\to \mathcal{A}\) and a unit map \(\eta \colon \mathbb {C}\to \mathcal{A}\), with associativity \(m(m\otimes \operatorname {id})=m(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m)\) and the property \(m(\eta \otimes \operatorname {id})=\operatorname {id}=m(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, \eta )\). We say \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta )\) is an algebra when those properties are satisfied.
Also recall that we say \(\mathcal{A}\) is a co-algebra when it has a co-multiplication map \(\mu \colon \mathcal{A}\to \mathcal{A}\otimes \mathcal{A}\) and a co-unit map \(\varpi \colon \mathcal{A}\to \mathbb {C}\) such that co-associativity is satisfied, i.e., \((\mu \otimes \operatorname {id})\mu =(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, \mu )\mu \), and the property \((\varpi \otimes \operatorname {id})\mu =\operatorname {id}=(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, \varpi )\mu \) is satisfied. We say \((\mathcal{A},\mu ,\varpi )\) is a co-algebra when those properties are satisfied.
Given an algebra and co-algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), then if
then we get the following equations (the Frobenius equations),
We say an algebra and co-algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\) is a Frobenius algebra when it satisfies the Frobenius equation condition,
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
By Theorem 3.0.1 and definition.
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
By Theorem 3.0.1 and definition.
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
Use Corollary 3.0.4.
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
Use Corollary 3.0.3.
The following two results are known as the “snake equations”.
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
Use Corollary 3.0.6.
Given a Frobenius algebra \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta ,\mu ,\varpi )\), we get,
Use Corollary 3.0.5.
3.1 Finite-dimensional algebras
Let \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta )\) be a finite-dimensional algebra and Hilbert space. Then we can form a co-algebra by letting \(m^*\) be the co-multiplication and \(\eta ^*\) be the co-unit.
- comul_assoc:
We have the following equivalences,
\begin{align*} (m^*\otimes \operatorname {id})m^*=(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m^*)m^* & \Leftrightarrow {(m(m\otimes \operatorname {id}))}^*={(m(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m)}^*\\ & \Leftrightarrow m(m\otimes \operatorname {id})=m(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m), \end{align*}which is true since \(\mathcal{A}\) is an algebra.
- counit_comul_id:
Similarly, taking adjoints, we get
\begin{align*} & \, (\eta ^*\otimes \operatorname {id})m^*=\operatorname {id}=(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, \eta ^*)m^* \, \Leftrightarrow \, m(\eta \otimes \operatorname {id})=\operatorname {id}=m(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, \eta ), \end{align*}which is true since \(\mathcal{A}\) is an algebra.
Let \((\mathcal{A},m,\eta )\) be a finite-dimensional algebra and Hilbert space. Then the counit is exactly \(\left\langle 1\right\rvert \).
By definition and Lemma 1.1.6.
Let \((\mathcal{A}_1,m_1,\eta _1),(\mathcal{A}_2,m_2,\eta _2)\) be finite-dimensional algebras and Hilbert spaces, and let \(f\colon \mathcal{A}_1\to \mathcal{A}_2\) be a linear map. Then \(f\) is an algebra homomorphism if and only if \(f^*\) is a co-algebra homomorphism.
For any finite-dimensional algebra \((B,m,\eta )\) that is also a Hilbert space, if \(\left\langle xy \mid z\right\rangle =\left\langle y \mid x^*z\right\rangle \) for all \(x,y,z\in B\), then \((B,m,\eta )\) is a Frobenius algebra.
We already know that our algebra is also a co-algebra using Proposition 3.1.1 with co-multiplication \(m^*\) and co-unit \(\eta ^*\). So then it suffices to show \((m\otimes \, \operatorname {id})(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m^*)=m^*m\), as we get the other equality by taking adjoints.
Let \(x,y,z,w\in {B}\). Let \(m^*(y)=\sum _i\alpha _i\otimes \beta _i\) for some tuples \((\alpha _i),(\beta _i)\) in \(B\). Then we compute,
Thus \((m\otimes \operatorname {id})(\operatorname {id}\otimes \, m^*)=m^*m\).