7 Positive maps
In this section, we show that a non-unital algebra homomorphism between two finite-dimensional \(^*\)-algebras is a positive map if and only if it is star-preserving.
Given positive semi-definite matrices \(x,y\in M_n\), we have \(xy=yx\) if and only if \(0\leq {xy}\).
Firstly, \(xy\) is self-adjoint if and only if \(yx=y^*x^*=(xy)^*=xy\), as both \(x\) and \(y\) are self-adjoint. So if \(0\leq xy\), then we know \(xy\) is self-adjoint, and so \(xy=yx\). Suppose that we have \(xy=yx\). We want to show \(\operatorname{Spectrum}(xy)\subseteq [0,\infty )\).
Let \(a,b\in M_n\) such that \(x=a^*a\) and \(y=b^*b\). Then we compute,
Where the last inclusion follows from the fact that \({(ba^*)}^*ba^*\) is positive semi-definite. Thus \(0\leq xy\).
If \(p,q\in \mathcal{L}(E)\) such that \(q\) is idempotent, then
Suppose \(p,q\in \mathcal{L}(E)\) are idempotent. Then
And so the result then follows.
For all operators \(T,S\in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})\), if \(TS=0\), then \(P_{\ker {T}}S=S\), where \(P_{\ker {T}}\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(\ker {T}\).
Suppose \(TS=0\). Then we get \(\operatorname{im}{S}\subseteq \ker {T}=\operatorname{im}{P_{\ker {T}}}\), and so Lemma 7.0.2 tells us that we get \(P_{\ker {T}}S=S\).
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we define the positive square root of the square of \(x\) to be \(\sqrt{x^2}\).
This is clearly positive semi-definite.
Explicitly, given the decomposition \(x=UDU^*\) where \(D\) is the diagonal of the eigenvalues of \(x\), then we have \(\sqrt{x^2}=U\left\lvert {D}\right\rvert U^*\).
The square of the positive square root of a Hermitian matrix is equal to the square of the matrix, i.e., \(\left(\sqrt{x^2}\right)^2=x^2\).
Straightforward computation.
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we get \(\sqrt{x^2}\) and \(x\) commute.
Straightforward computation.
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we define \(x_+\) to be the matrix
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we define \(x_-\) to be the matrix
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we get \(x_+x_-=0\).
Direct computation.
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we get \(x=x_+-x_-\).
Direct computation.
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), we get both \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) are positive semi-definite.
It is clear that both \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) are Hermitian.
As \(x_+x_-=0\) (Lemma 7.0.9), then we also get \(x_-x_+=0\). And by Corollary 7.0.3, we get \(P_{\ker {x_+}}x_-=x_-\).
Using \(x=x_+-x_-\) (Lemma 7.0.10), we get
So then \(x=(1-2P_{\ker {x_+}})\sqrt{x^2}\) and \(x_-=P_{\ker {x_+}}\sqrt{x^2}\). And so
As \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) are Hermitian, we also get \(x_-=\sqrt{x^2}P_{\ker {x_+}}\) and \(x_+=\sqrt{x^2}P_{{(\ker {x_+})}^\bot }\). So then \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) are products of commuting positive semi-definite matrices, and by Lemma 7.0.1 we get both \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) are positive semi-definite.
Given a Hermitian matrix \(x\in M_n\), there exists matrices \(a,b\in M_n\) such that \(x = a^*a - b^*b\).
Given a positive map \(\phi \colon M_n \to A\), where \(A\) is a \(^*\)-algebra, we get \(\phi \) is star-preserving.
It suffices to show that for Hermitian matrices \(x\in M_n\), we have \(\phi (x^*)=\phi (x)^*\).
Suppose \(\phi \) is star-preserving for Hermitian matrices. Let \(x\in M_n\). Then we can write \(x=a+ib\), where \(a=\dfrac {1}{2}(x+x^*)\) and \(b=\dfrac {1}{2i}(x-x^*)\). Clearly, both \(a\) and \(b\) are Hermitian. So then by the hypothesis and Lemma 2.0.3, we get\[ \phi ^\operatorname {r}(x)=\phi ^{\operatorname {r}}(a)+i\phi ^{\operatorname {r}}(b)=\phi (a)+i\phi (b)=\phi (x). \]Thus \(\phi \) is star-preserving.
Let \(x\in M_n\) be Hermitian. Then using Corollary 7.0.12, we get positive semi-definite matrices \(a,b\in {M_n}\) such that \(x=a^*a-b^*b\). So then we compute,
The last equality follows from \(\phi \) being a positive map and both \(a^*a\) and \(b^*b\) being positive semi-definite.
Given a non-unital \(^*\)-algebra homomorphism \(f\colon A \to B\), where there exists a star-isomorphism \(A\cong \bigoplus _iM_{n_i}\), we get \(f\) is a positive map if and only if \(f\) is star-preserving.
Using an analogue of Theorem 7.0.13, it suffices to show that if \(f\) is star-preserving, then it is a positive map.
Let \(0\leq x\in A\), then there exists \(a\in A\) such that \(x=a^*a\), and so \(f(x)=f(a^*a)=f(a)^*f(a)\), which is non-negative.